Thursday, September 30, 2010

:: The Right & The Wrongs ::

People say.
You gotta meet the wrong persons.
In order for you to meet the right one.
But for me.
I`d rather not meet the right one.
As long as I don`t have to meet the wrongs.

It`s so sickening I don`t know how to swallow.
When you compromise, you`re a dumbf*ck.
When you stand up for what you think is right.
It means you`re ego.
And when you`re angry and you make noise.
They`re afraid of you.
They just want you to keep quiet.
But when you keep quiet.
They come to you to make peace and say
"Let`s move on"
Or they`ll say
"Why the fuck are u givin me silent treatment?"

What do you want from me?
I have given you a life.
I have given you what you need.
You don`t need me anymore.
I am no longer useful for you.
Why don`t you just let it go?

I am not a mafia like what you said.
I am not ego because now I could leave.
I just did not want to leave earlier because I did not want you to suffer.

I am just a puppet who likes to whine and whine and whine.

Thank you.
For everything.

:: Lagu Atromen ::

Lagu yang menghilangkan stress dgn kadar segera!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

:: One Flaw In Women ::

One Flaw In Women

Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.

They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.

They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they
think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and colours...

They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what
makes the world keep turning.

They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their
family and friends.

Women have vital things to say
and everything to give.


Friday, September 24, 2010

:: Tatau Nak Letak Title Apa ::

I`m kinda free throughout this whole week.
Not much tasks.
And all is done now.

Had lunch with Mr Congo just now.
Papa came over to show off his new Benz.
Menyampah pule saya.
Ayahanda saya itu sangat suka berlagak.
But nvm.
I don’t want to spoil my mood talking about him now.
May God bless him.
And his car.

I started reading about free meditation when I get back to the office.
I`ve graduated from my meditation class for about 2 months now.
Time flew so fast.
I have not been meditating much these days.
And I don’t feel as energetic as before.
The time I was meditating every day I mean.
It`s true what Rethna said.
Once you stop doing it.
You are slowly losing it.

But I guess there`s so typical human attitude.
We tend to take what we have for granted.
When we have something.
We are not taking care of it.
When we lose it.
We`ll seek for it to be back again.
So selfish of us.
Me I mean.

Meditation is good to release stress.
Meditation is also good for blood circulation.
And above all.
Meditation is very good for emotions.
No wonder I have not been feeling so good lately.
Coz I have not been meditating properly.
I could say I have not been meditating at all.
Stakat seminggu skali.
Atau meditate masa susah je buat apa kan?

Some might say.
Daripada meditate sume ni baiklah ko pegi solat suma.
Lagi bagus.
Dapat pahala.
Dapat ketenangan.
Saya setuju.
Tapi saya slalu malas.
Apa la nak jadi dgn saya ini?
Saya tanak komen pasal ni.

But with meditation.
I know that I can be balanced.
I`ve been there.
I`ve done that.
I`ve experienced so many miracles.

That`s why I know.
Regardless how bad a situation could be.
Insya Allah I would be fine.
And with that.
I am all ready for a break up that is gonna come soon.
Between me and Mr BF of coz.
It`s all gonna happen.
Sooner if not later.
And it`s all for good.

I did ask Mama few days back.
What does she think if one day I happen to break up with Mr BF?
She smiled and said
“Hidup sendiri..fikir betul2 mana yg baik utk masa depan”
Thank God.
I have the coolest Mom on earth.
I thanked God Mama tak meroyan dan cakap
“Kalau nak break up ko stay sampai 3 tahun tu buat apa?”
You`re the best!

New life is coming ahead.
New steps are to be taken.
New BF is to be found.

There`s a new class starting on next week.
I`ll be going again.
I miss Rethna.
I miss Mother.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

:: A Gift..and Post Express??? ::

Ms D told me that she`s gonna send me a gift.
From Egypt.

                                (Ms D in Egypt)

Accessories according to her.
I was like.
But right after she told me that she will use post express.
Dgn segera aku menjerit.

Not that I have anything against Post Express.
But Post Express doesn’t require the signature of the recipient`s.
The only good thing about the service is that it reaches in a period of 1 day.
Tapi tak payah sign kalau gift tu ilang macam mana???!!

Trauma sudah saya.
Bukan apa.
Pernah terkena sekali.
Ms D likes travelling alot.
I like too!
But a difference between us is that she has money.
(Or should I say her Ummi has?
A lot of it!)
But I don’t.

There was once she was on her Europe tour.
And she went to Spain.
Al-Hambra castle to be specific.
Al-Hambra is on top of my list if I ever go to Spain.
I have a scrapbook full of the pics and info about the castle.
Hati saya akan melompat2 keriangan setiap kali saya melihat gambar Al-Hambra di mana sahaja!!

         (Ms D in front of the entrance to Al-Hambra Garden)

To cut the story short.
Ms D bought a gift for me from Al-Hambra!!
Imagine how excited I was!!!
When she was back.
She told me that she had mailed me the gift.
I was waiting mcm pungguk rindukan bulan.
But the gift did not appear at all.
When I asked her how did she mail the gift?
She said “Normal Post laaa”
Awat hantar benda sebegitu precious guna normal post?
Confirm dah tak sampai la after weeks pun.
Rumah mama saya slalu kene macam tu.
Normal post adalah susah nak sampai.
Lalu saya membawa hati duka lara.
The gift from Al-Hambra was not meant for me.
Perhaps I have to go there by my own.

Dia nak hantar gift from Egypt and dia nak guna something yg org tak payah sign????
No wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
Saya sanggup bayar charge for Pos Laju.

Dear Ms D,
Sila lah jangan guna anything yg tak payah sign.
Pisang berbuah 2 kali aku tak kisah.
Jangan la gift aku ilang untuk kedua kali.

:: Trouble Is A Friend ::

Been listening to this tune since 2008 I think.
Very cool and catchy but never really thought much about it.
But today when I listen to it again.
I fall in love with it right away.
The similarity is.
Trouble is always a friend of mine too :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

:: 10 Days To Go ::

Today is already 20th.
I have another 10 days before I move in to my new place.

I have been staying at my current place for the past 32 months.
That`s quite long.
For sure I am gonna miss this place.
It captured too many memories.
Be it with joys.
Or sorrows.

At this stage.
Moving on is something big.
It`s not only about the place.
It is about something else too.
Something rather big.
Will things be the same again?
Or will this be a beginning of an end?

Mr BF used to say.
Life is like bag-packing.
Today you meet someone.
Share and learn something.
Then you move forward.
To another place.
Meeting another people.
Having another episode of your life.
I wouldn’t say that he is wrong.
Life is rather like that.
But a change is not something small.
And a change will never be something easy.
End of the day.
Whether or not we want.
We have to face it as this is what LIFE is all about.

Nak pindah rumah pun nak kecoh kan?
Nak emo bagai.
Ini bukan pindah rumah je.
This is whole lot bigger than that!

I hope and pray.
That this step I am taking is the best.
For me.
For Limah Jongs and the bf.
And for that particular someone.

I hope you`ll have a better life ahead.

P/S: Owh yea I found an e-book of Committed already!