Wednesday, March 17, 2010

:: Hidup Ini Indah ::

Hey Bloggy,

M feeling a bit better after meditating.
To BFF,if you ever read this,dont worry.
Aku tak buat mende2 syirik.

Allah itu Satu.
Aku sentiasa tau.

It`s 521pm.
At the balcony of my soon-to-be-called ex office.
Looking at the sky.
The ocean.
The hills at the mainland.
Teringat kat Gunung Jerai.
Indahnya ciptaan Tuhan.

Suddenly having this meroyan feeling-feeling jiwang kan.
Been feeling loads of this lately.
Nak mati ke aku?
Amal tak pernah cukup.
Hanya Tuhan yang tahu.

I need courage.
I need strength.
Nah,now I sound just like the b*tch next to my room.
She`s hypocrite!
She lies a lot and she creates hatred among friends.
She`s evil.
She misused my money.
Mr BF`s money actually.
Pardon me,but satu sen duit tu pun takkan aku halalkan.
Itu hal engkau dgn Tuhan
She`s a self-centered b*tch.
Well,who I am to judge?
I dont even know what is she going through.
But still,haizzz.
I forgive my thought,I forgive my thought.
I forgive.

Mr BF.
I miss the old you.
I miss the guy I used to know back in ME.
I miss the man who used to make me feel special.

Kenapa perlu selalu meroyan?
Tanya hati.
Tak sakit pun.
Sentap sahaja.

Kenapa sentap?
Sebab meroyan.
Kenapa meroyan?
Now we`re back to the square one.


P/S : Hidup ini indah.
        Sila tgk permandangan laut Gurney yang sedang aku nikmati.