Friday, April 23, 2010

:: Halimah Jongang ::

Salam Friday,Bloggy!!

5th day at work.
So far so good.
Everything is going on very smoothly.
Relationship with Mr MD is getting better.
Same goes to other colleagues.
This field I am in now is very interesting.
I hope to see myself being someone in few years time.
Insya Allah.

Today I wanna tell about my psychopath beloved housemate.
Owh yea.
I have been staying out of my parents` house for more than 2 years now.
Renting an apartment with a friend.
There used to be 3 of us in the place.
Me, Rogayah (bkn nama sebenar) and Halimah Jongang(juga bukan nama sebenar).
Rogayah is a good friend of mine back in school.
A very famous girls` school in my negara nasik kandaq.
While Halimah Jongang is Rogayah`s college mate.
Rogayah had pulled out coz of a missunderstanding.
She is now staying else where.
Thanks to Halimah Jongang for making us apart.
But me and Rogayah had confronted each other without Halimah Jongang`s knowledge.
We`re now good friends again.
But this story is not about Rogayah.
I wanna tell you about Halimah Jongang.
By the way.
Please meet my beloved housemate.

This is Halimah Jongang.
The guy in the yellow shirt is her BF.
Halimah Jongang is a freak.
Why do I say that?
Coz she is a self-centered person.
She can cook and cause a disaster in the kitchen.
And she can leave everything like that until she feels like cleaning up.
Sometimes she doesn`t even wash the rice cooker or the frying pan for few days.
I used to wash for her few times but I stopped after she sent me a text saying
"Too much if giving in already.No one is helping me to take a good care of the house!"
When I told her that I washed her left overs.
She asked me
"When did you wash for me?I washed by my own!"
I think she walks to the kitchen and start cleaning up till everything is done.

Halimah Jongang is very envious.
She is jealous of everything others have.
No kidding.
Today I buy a pack of cornflakes.
Tomorrow I see the same thing in her cupboard.
I buy some cheap things she never use.
She comes and ask me
"Baru belajar pakai ke?!"
And I will see her having the same stuff after sometimes.

On my back.
She goes telling loads of bad things about me.
To Rogayah.
Thinking that Rogayah and me will never be friends again.
She collects loads of updates about Rogayah`s life.
And come home to me gossiping about Rogayah.
And this happens most of the times.
Aku akan masuk tinge kiri kuar tinge kanan!

Halimah Jongang envies Rogayah`s achievements.
Coz Rogayah is an Operation Mgr of a fitness center.
While Halimah Jongang is still job-hopping.
Thinking that one day she will be a financial controller of kedai pakdollah Microsoft.
Halimah punches her palm few times.
Macam gangster tumbuk tangan sendiri sbb geram kat org tu!
Being sgt tak puas ati gila not very happy of what Rogayah has.
On the other hand.
Halimah Jongang goes to Rogayah.
Telling that
"Hang tau tak?Mak cik meroyan tu skani dah keja bla bla bla.
Company bagi dia bla bla bla bla.
Dia slalu outstation kat bla bla bla."

I know Halimah Jongang is jealous of me too.
Coz she always tell me that she wants a job that she can always pack up her luggage.
Travel here and there to meet important people.
That she wants to be a decision maker of a big corporation.
But sadly I have something that she doesn`t.
She ends up working at a call center.
Even though she has a degree.
I know she hates me.

I am not a good person either.
I have my flaws.
I have my scars.
I cant be right all the time.
Nothing is great about me.
But I never have any bad intention towards her.
There are loads of things done by her and her BF.
I just don`t bother.
I avoid her most of the times.
When her BF is in.
She will show perangai babi attitude towards me.
But when the BF is out.
She will kaypo2 come to me and start asking questions.
Or gossip about Rogayah.
I`ll just listen then blah!
Then the BF comes back.
She will pretend like she never talks to me.
Owh yea.
The BF used to be my good friend.
But now he has become the twin of Halimah Jongang`s.
*smile again*.

The purpose of writing this entry.
Is not to gossip about Halimah Jongang.
Even though yea I actually gossip about her.
But to tell Halimah Jongang something I can never do.

Dear Halimah Jongang,
I used to hate you.
I don`t like looking at your face.
You just make me vomit blood everyday.
But in my heart.
I am clearing all this hatred towards you.
I am trying my best.
To forget all the bad things you have done to me.
And if there is anything I do that hurts you.
Please do forgive me.
I need some peace.
In my own home.


ladyLOVESleisure said...

kalau i dah lama dah blah. it sounds like she exudes negative energy that someday may just drag your positive spirits down. me also have encountered 'friends' like cik limah jongs. we all learn from our experience. these days, i lari pecur kalau i jumpa org macam ni ;P

ladyLOVESleisure said...

i meant i lari pecut. my stupid fingers. hehehe.

:: tush :: said...

Ikutkan hati nak blah je Cik Puan Leisure but to get an apartment at chinese area in my negara nasik kandaq ni adalah sangat susah.Limah Jongs ni half chinese sbb tu bley dapat that place.

I like when you say Limah Jongs.Gila I gelak tak hengatt!

Akambobakemono said...

sampai begitu sekali halimah jogang tu.. nie nak tanya skit...memandang dia xda kerje willing to gv her permanent job. since she is jogang, i would like to open a "kelapa parut" shop in the morning before i got to work..leh dpt side income..and drpd i buy the mesin pemarut yg agak "murah" tu..i can use her teeth to parut the kalapa ryt? save duit,save karen..semuanya save kan kan kan? try tanya dia ok x?

:: tush :: said...

akambobakemono : u people in congo like kelapa parut too?not bad hunn!