Tuesday, September 14, 2010

:: Tuhan Itu Maha Kaya ::

This entry is meant to be a reminder.
For me to always know that Allah itu Maha Besar.
Maha Kaya.
Maha Berkuasa.
Di hari baik dan bulan yang baik ini.
God is showing us something.

Saya bukan nak riak.
I am not good.
I am not a girl anyone`s mother would want their sons to marry.
I am well aware of the fact.
But I am not hypocrite.

I had a Malay BF since I was in high school.
Been with the same BF for 6 years.
He was one of the family.
Everybody loved him.
But still.
There are some people who were just good in front.
At the back I`ve been a hot topic whenever they meet up.
I have had people sarcastically telling my dad
“Jangan dapat cucu express pulak”
Some were telling their kids in front of me.
Things like
“Anak2 Mama jangan gatal sangat.
Nanti belajar ke mana.
Apa ke mana.
Contoh ada depan mata.
Kalau Mama tau korang ada bf masa study.
Masa tu jugak Mama kawenkan!”

Gila direct aku kene sound okay.
Saya senyum dan diam.
While they were very close to my parents.
But having great parents.
They were always there to back me up.
They never failed to protect me.
Till a day came when I said up front.
“Tuhan tu Maha Kaya!”

Years gone by.
The relationship with that Malay BF was over.
I started going out with Non-Muslim.
Which again my parents were being very supportive toward me.
But for some people.
“Murtad dah si Tush ni.”
Sekali lagi saya diam.

Few months back.
Salah seorang manusia yg suka mengata saya itu.
Seorang anak perempuan.
Mari kita tunggu dan lihat.
What God has to offer.

And today.
I heard a news.
That was not shocking at all.
I have known all this while that my cousin has been goin out with so many guys.
Been sleeping around.
She`s in college but she`s supporting all her boyfriends.
Who am I to say anything?
Even Mama saw some dramas before her own eyes.
We kept quiet.

My aunty called up to my mom.
Asking for help.
She didn’t know what to do.
A guy came to the house.
All the way from KL.
Wanted to marry her 20 year old daughter yang bertudung litup itu.
He even showed a bike my cousin bought for him.
An Aprillia that cost almost RM10k.
He said my cousin has been sleeping with him.
At various hotels.
My cousin denied of coz.
But she admitted that she bought the bike for the guy.
Right when she denied that she slept with the guy.
He said that he has evidence.
He has pics and videos.
Doesnt that sound cool?!

And now.
Org yang menghina saya itu.
Dtg merayu di kaki ibu saya.
Meminta pertolongan.
Even asked my dad to help out.
Nak tolong apa?
Tolong bomb budak tu?
And hello!
Anda takde suami ke?

Slalu canang hal saya kat org ramai.
Skani kena kat muka anda.
Pi la canang hal anak anda plak satu kampong!

Saya dah kata.
Tuhan itu Maha Kaya.
Kalau tak paham jugak.
Senang je.


P/S : Saya bukan nak riak atau suka atas musibah yg melanda org lain.
        Saya cuma seriously rasa..finallyyyyyyyyy Tuhan tunjuk!


Anonymous said...

sbb tu jgn mengata anak orang sbb masing2 ada anak..

-vin malas nak login-

:: tush :: said...

bagi dorang bila anak dorang bertudung litup adalah sangat suci dah..aku ni jahat!

Unknown said...

Banyak sgt drama2 kat TV la ni dok tayangkan cerita yg lebih-kurang serupa

Teladan-nye ialah, jadi lah manusia yg berguna terhadap manusia sejagat.

Tapi lani kita selalu fikir, kita ni "SUPERIOR" dr manusia2 lain.

xkira apa agama & bangsa, undang2 alam & tuhan hanya satu.

Harap semua org faham tentang undang2 ini.

Cam abang2 SCORPION kita cakap "What you Give You Get Back"

KARMA Nama-nye

:: tush :: said...

betul la apa hang cakap tu..peradon!tidak syak lagi!

achik said...

pergh..mmg Tuhan Maha Kaya!! what u give u get back la~ hehehe =p nyway, im always be there for you tush! be strong k?~ =)