Monday, June 28, 2010

:: Sila Buang Telephone Anda ::

How do you feel when your call is not returned?
Or your texts are not answered?
When you really need to confirm things with someone?
Have you ever experienced this kinda thing?
I have had sooo many of this!

I just don’t understand why people can be so self-centred at times!!
You always have your phone with you 24/7 but you can`t reply to text msgs?!
Kalau skali dua tak pe.
Ini slalu.
Padahal handphone slalu depan mata.
Menyakitkan hati sungguh kalau ada bende penting nak kene settle.
Org ada handphone ko pun nak ada.
Org tau reply SMS kenapa ko tatau.
Dah jadi pape nak salahkan org.
Bongoks lah!
Kak Kim yg busy pun bley reply SMS aku okay?!

Buang la phone ribu2 tu dalam tong sampah weis!


Unknown said...

geramm jerr kalau kena mcm ni.. tp selalu gak kena. mcm x de courtesy nak return back ur call ke ape la