Saturday, July 17, 2010

:: Diikat ?! ::

Recently I`ve met someone.
When I was out with Mr BF.
Well, Mr BF wanted to meet him la.
Let`s call him Sid.

Sid kept looking at me like he wanted to tell something.
But he did not.
He asked Mr BF on how long have we been together.
So Mr Bf said “2-3 years”
They then spoke in their language that I did not even understand.
Mr BF told me that Sid said there was something wrong with me.
Just by looking at my face he knows something was bothering me.
Anyway Sid is org bijak pandai jugak la.

Sid asked if I had any boyfriend before.
So Mr BF said yea.
One was a Muslim another was not.
Sid then told Mr BF that saya sudah kene “ikat”.
But he did not say much.
He wanted Mr BF to meet him in private.
But Sid advised me to soak my feet into a basin of water with rock salt.

So yesterday Mr BF went to see him.
Sid said that someone had used charm on me.
Mengikat saya supaya tidak kekal dgn mana2 lelaki.
Supaya semua lelaki meninggalkan saya.
And I will be left alone.
Without marriage.
Or any relationship.
And this was done by one of my ex-boyfriends or their relatives.
That my life will never be great.
That my life will be like a wave.
Loads of ups and downs.
Which was not something new to me.
To my surprise, I was not even shocked when I heard this.
Coz in my heart.
I know Allah itu Maha Kaya.
Maha Berkuasa.

So then I was messaging with BFF.
She asked if there was anything we can do to UNDO this spell or whatever it was.
I said I don’t know.
And if it was destined that one day I`ll be cured.
Then I will be.
Now am thinking.
Should I tell Mama?
I don`t want Mama to worry.
Dah la Papa and Mama dok risau aku tak kawen2.

Dan jika saya betul2 “diikat”.
Seperti mana yang dikatakan oleh Sid.
Saya hanya berdoa dan berharap.
Manusia itu akan insaf dan bertaubat sebelum terlambat.
Dan dengan senang hati.
Saya maafkan.