Friday, July 23, 2010

:: Surrender..Tawakkal & Redha ::

Received a call from a friend earlier.
A friend I just got to know in quite recent months.
A friend who I already call a sister.
The bond was just so strong.

She was crying.
Telling me all her problems.
And she was not in a good shape.
But for sure I know it was not the end of the road.
She would do fine I thought.

The way she cried and letting her feelings out.
Was very much an eye opener for me.
Coz even when I knew I was not the only person on earth who has problems.
I always think that others were having great lives.
With problems too but not as huge as mine.
Often I forgot that no one was able to run away from troubles.
Often I forgot that we could never read someone`s mind.

It triggered my mind.
That as bad as I thought my problems were.
They were never near to hers.
At all.
My problems were never near all the shits she had gone trough.
But why did I always think that my problems were the biggest?
I was wrong.
I was totally wrong.

I sat down and started thinking.
Mr BF was down with high fever.
His immunity was very strong it was very seldom for him to be sick.
But this time.
I saw him suffering.
I saw the pain in his eyes.
Plus some shits that happened recently.
But I know this man of mine would be able to fight.

Still struggling living with Papa after so many years.
But Papa was not the worse man in the world though.
Lucky me am not married!
Yea honestly that was what I felt most of the time.

Mr Congo.
Was getting back his sickness.
The pneumonia was attacking him again.
He was also in pain but he usually hides it.
I saw his hand shivering while having lunch.
He couldn’t even finish his food.
Which was soooo not him!
And his face was pale.
(At least you won`t look that Ga Lam Pa, huh Mr Congo?Hehe)
Another man fighting with the “problems”.

And me.
Here I am.
Not wealthy but have enough for a living.
Yet still complaining loads on how life is not fair in treating me.
How ungrateful I am?

With this.
I surrender.
And Redha for everything I have.
And I hope I will always have this feeling.
All the time.