Thursday, July 8, 2010

:: Paul Octopus Yang Hensem Bergaya ::

This morning I felt like an idiot.
All over FB was talking about The Octopus.
I was like.
Cite Spiderman nak kuar lagi ke apa?

Then I saw some status and comments.
Saying about predictions of World Cup.
And about this octopus becoming a sashimi.
That`s delicious.
But why?

All these WH questions were in my mind while lepaking working.
Till I couldn’t take it and I texted Ms D.
She told me that this Octopus` name is Paul.
His is an oracle.
He predicts the victors of Germany`s matches.
And 99% of the predictions were true.
I was like.
You gotta be kidding me.
Baru 2-3 hari aku tak tgk World Cup kot.
Sbb balik umah je terus pengsan.

Then I went to investigate (palotak aku!).
I saw this handsome pic of Paul.
Isn`t he just so good looking for a tako?

Terus aku rasa marah gila dgn diri sendiri.
Paul is a tako!
And all the takos in the world are my friends.
I love them a lot I usually keep them safely in my tummy.
Coz I don’t want anyone to harm them.

But how come I did not know about this?
Baca banyak lagi.
I found that Argentinians are so pissed with this handsome creature.
Hey I love Argentina!
But takkan la sampai nak masak makhluk handsome bergaya ini kan?


FARYN said...

makan sotong sumbat pulut adalah sorgaaaaaa...hahahaa

:achik: said...

hahaha..lmbt btul la berkurun dh tau psl paul ni =p