Wednesday, October 6, 2010

:: Wednesday ::

Today is Wednesday.
I haven’t shifted to my new place yet.
Atas sebab2 tertentu.
I`ll be moving there officially on this Saturday.
Don`t know how rushing it would be.
Since Saturday is my cousin`s wedding.
And I`ll have to be there till everything is done.
And go back to my current place.
Pick up more stuffs and that`s it.
The whole new episode of my life.
Not whole actually.
But quite a big part :)

I have not been feeling anything at all.
But today.
I feel a bit heavy hearted.
No doubt this is what I have been looking forward to.
I so wanted a new life.
But nothing can beat the excitement of not having to see Limah Jongs anymore!

Mr BF will be going outstation again tomorrow.
Will be back on Saturday.
Which won`t really happen like dat.
Coz usually he`ll have to stay back for at least another day.
So I`ll have to shift my stuffs alone.
And when he`s back.
His gf will no longer be staying with Limah Jongs!