Tuesday, December 28, 2010

:: Ayaq Owh Ayaq ::

Dalam banyak banyak pulau.
Pulau apa yang tak dak ayaq?
That`s the question of the day.

Last night I went home late.
I was out with Mr Congo melepak kat Chili`s.
Finally I got back home after 2 weeks merempat kat rumah Mama.
Tengok bilik dah jd macam store.
So I started cleaning up.
That was when one of my housemates got home.
Talked to her for a bit then I continued my work.
I`ve forgotten to remind her that there would be a water supply interruption.

After cleaning up my room.
I went to take shower.
By then I kept some water in the tank.
That would be sufficient in the morning just in case I got up late.
Plus the interruption would be at 8am and she will be out before that.
I was sure she would use the shower instead.

But to my surprise.
When I woke up.
The water was not in the tank.
At all.
I noticed that she was around so I asked her.
She said the water supply was still there when she took shower.
Dah tu ko abihkan air dalam tank tu buat apa?
Dah mandi tatau nak isi balik??!!

Dengan segera called Papa.
He said all apartments should have extra tankers for situation like this.
But why they don’t have that at mine?
Well nevermind.
Dengan muka paling suci bak bidadari syorga.
Mata pun dok mamai lagi.
I sped to my Mama`s.
Di sana sempat bermandi-manda sambil menyanyikan lagu.
“Kelapa dan orked.
Baik untuk rambot”

Dah siap nak kuar ke office.
I received a text from her saying sorry.
She didn’t know that there will be an interruption.
Tidak mengapalah.
Saya sudah mandi.

Then on the way to work.
I realized something.
(Owh sangat banyak realizations terjadi semenjak dua menjak ini)
I realized that I was not pissed with her at all.
I was not pissed that I might not be able to come to work.
I was not even pissed of the possibilities of coming to work without shower.

Even on the way to Mama`s just now.
I was thinking.
Everything happens for a reason.
Probably it is destined for me to escape from something.


Maka dengan itu.
Saya dah mandi!


Akambobakemono said...

hang mandi mcm p ramlee kan?