Tuesday, December 28, 2010

:: Boycott ::

While I was blog-hopping.
I found myself on Alia`s.
I always like the way she tells her stories.
The way she draws her cepat-tepat-dan-padat-cartoons.
They`re cool.
I do agree with you.
You rawk!

Today she writes about us being Malaysians.
I do agree on what she says.
When we receive chain-emails on some moves.
Like boycotting this and that just because they`re from the West.
We`ll be so semangat-berkobar-kobar to circulate those emails.
Showing to others that as an Islamic country we should really ban these products.
Because of so and so.

Boycott Coke.
Boycott Mc Donalds.
Boycott this and that of American products.

I don’t have to elaborate further on this.
Despite of knowing that some of our brothers and sisters might lose their jobs.
We still want to boycott without thinking outside of the box.
For we think that rezeki ada di mana-mana.
Insya Allah.

It`s true.
Rezeki ada di mana2.
Boycott la barangan tu suma.
Dah alang2 memboycott.
Boycott la jugak the usage of the computers.
The mobile phones.
Those iPad and so forth.
Please bear in mind that those gadgets you are using now don’t come from Malaysia.
They come from the ideas of those Jewish and Whites and who-ever-they-are but Malaysians.
Even the internet you`re using now is not Made In Malaysia.

I am not against anyone here.
But I think we are more educated to think of which is the best for the country.
Kalau ko nak boycott sangat.
First thing you have to do is.



Anonymous said...

Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

- David

:: tush :: said...

Thanks David..but I have to tell you that I am actually an IT illiterate..so I just blog without thinking of anything.I`ll get some helps for this though :)